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The Quotes Section
Again, I encourage you people to send me the best quotes you have if I don't have them yet. I'm only putting the best ones up, because I want some other people to send in some more original ones.

"Alright, Freeza, let the games begin!"
Vegeta on his way to Namek for dragon balls.

"Where are my manners? I completely forgot to say goodbye."
Vegeta after he kills Dodoria.

"I'll squash you like a pancake, Kakkarott, and I like my pancakes flat!"
Vegeta right before squahing Goku's legs.

"Ooops, it seems I've accidentally crushed your legs."
After he does.

"Why, that bald head went bouncing around like a cueball."
Vegeta after whooping up on Krillin.

"There are three things I cannot tolerate: cowerdice, bad haircuts, and military insurrection, and it is very unfortunate that our friend Vegeta posseses all three of these."
Freeza being witty about Vegeta. A very funny comment.

"I'm just getting warmed up, fish face. Better stick around."
Vegeta to Kewie a few minutes before he kills the purple sucker.

"Nappa, remind me to look into getting you dewormed again."
Ouch, that one's gotta hurt!

"Nappa, I've told you three times: your head's too thick."
Oooh, diss!

"So we meet again."
OK, how many times has Vegeta said this?

"You should know better than to oppose Vegeta."
Yes, we know.

"Don't ever try to stop me!"
OK, how many Vegeta quotes do I have? Let's just say all of them are not listed.

Gohan: "Hey, where did you get that?"
Vegeta: "It was a gift from your bald-headed friend, and that gorgeous girl he was with."
Oooh, do I sense some early-on attraction?

"We can't give up just because things aren't the way we want them to be."
Piccolo, always the philosopher.

"Mr. Perfect, always running off to save everybody."
Yagerobie on Goku. Extremely funny.

"Whatever I did to deserve this, I'm sorry."
Krillin listening to Bulma sing on the fake Namek.

"He's going to want that cappucino machine..."
Dr. Briefs pitying Goku for turning down the cappucino machine.

Arlian King: "Kill those men, they're very bad men."
Nappa: "We're bad?"
Vegeta:"Well, a little."
Do I sense some sarcasm?

Goku after Mirai Trunks tells him Vegeta is his father.
Goku on the ground after Trunks tells him Bulma is his mother.
Piccolo, almost falling over, listening in on the conversation.

"Whoa, cool."
Vegeta obviously enjoying Piccolo and Krillin's tri-form tecnique.

"ChiChi didn't give me any food."
Goku telling Kaiou-Sama (King Kai) about the pains of life.

"He has...an original style..."
A lady listening to Krillin sing.

"Why so blue, green man?'
Radditz to Piccolo.

"Being a good feind is like being a good photographer. You have to search for the right moment."
Vegeta on being a good villain.

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Date Last Modified: 8/17/99