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The Quotes Section "Alright, Freeza, let the games begin!" "Where are my manners? I completely forgot to say
goodbye." "I'll squash you like a pancake, Kakkarott, and I like
my pancakes flat!" "Ooops, it seems I've accidentally crushed your
legs." "Why, that bald head went bouncing around like a
cueball." "There are three things I cannot tolerate: cowerdice,
bad haircuts, and military insurrection, and it is very
unfortunate that our friend Vegeta posseses all three of
these." "I'm just getting warmed up, fish face. Better stick
around." "Nappa, remind me to look into getting you dewormed
again." "Nappa, I've told you three times: your head's too
thick." "So we meet again." "You should know better than to oppose Vegeta." "Don't ever try to stop me!" Gohan: "Hey, where did you get that?" "We can't give up just because things aren't the way
we want them to be." "Mr. Perfect, always running off to save
everybody." "Whatever I did to deserve this, I'm sorry." "He's going to want that cappucino machine..." Arlian King: "Kill those men, they're very bad
men." "...((yelp))..." "Whoa, cool." "ChiChi didn't give me any food." "He has...an original style..." "Why so blue, green man?' "Being a good feind is like being a good photographer.
You have to search for the right moment." |
Date Last Modified: 8/17/99